YouTube and kids

YouTube’s Big Surprise For Kids Content Creators


It’s a major change in how YouTube works…

Every content creator is required to label any video of theirs whether or not it’s appealing to children. This new procedure will start in January 2020, which means that if any content creator marked his video as directed to kids.

Guess what’s going to happen? Data collection will be blocked, resulting in lower ads revenue, and the worse thing is that he’ll disable some of the platform’s most popular features, including comments, notification functions, the community tab, info cards, and end screens as well.

These new rules left some creators clueless to categorize themself as whether or not they’are subject to them. That being said, YouTube creators say they don’t have enough clarity where to draw the line between content that may attract kids and content that’s made for kids. We’ve read it more than once and still can’t figure out the difference.

Our biggest concern is on some channels types. Family vlog, which we’ve discussed in YouTube video titled: “Top 3 Richest Family On YouTube”, some gaming video channels that may appeal to kids and adults alike, and even toy reviews.

If the FTC decides a creator is in violation, the YouTuber may be getting penalized directly. This includes both civil penalties and their removal from the YouTube platform, the FTC revealed at a press conference. And what makes it even worse, these penalties weren’t given detailed in either the FTC or YouTube’s earlier statements.

How all of that started?

According to The Verge, Google confirmed that this new system was the result of a landmark $170 million settlement YouTube reached with the Federal Trade Commission in September for allegedly violating children’s privacy.

It’s the largest fine ever collected under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which forbids collecting data from children under the age of 13 without explicit consent from their parents. In this case, the ruling means YouTube can’t employ its powerful ad-targeting system on anyone who might be under the age of 13 — a dire problem for a platform with so many young users.

Those restrictions have made a new change in the way YouTube works, and the fact that YouTube always has been subject to COPPA and the recent settlement with the FTC, who push YouTube to develop, implement, and maintain a system for Channel Owners to designate whether their Content on the YouTube Platform is directed to children.

We don’t know what is coming? These updates seem to negatively impact the content’s creator especially the channels that are targeting kids, my only concern is they’ll be any positive upcoming updates…