Cj So Cool Caught Cheating 0n Royalty Jonhson With Another Women

Cj So Cool Caught Cheating 0n Royalty Jonhson With Another Women

Unexpected news! CJ So Cool caught cheating on Royalty Johnson with another woman. All the insights, leaked messages and the story behind that mystery women will be covered in this article, so let’s get straight into it.

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Sad and disappointing news for all the fans of the Royalty family. CJ’s partner Royalty Jonson was preparing to welcome her twins (she’s pregnant). But out of nowhere, she got shocked by her closet person…her husband. Royalty discovered that her partner CJ has been cheating on her with another woman for a while.

This is the young lady who revealed that she was sleeping with CJ SO COOL and that CJ was visiting her house, he sent her money, pictures. Noel is her name and we’re going to reveal some interesting details about her in just a second, also has sent images of her to CJ.


So it’s not a relationship based-on on texting and chatting, they’ve been sleeping together. And It’s obvious that CJ gives this girl a lot of attention.

This is one of the text messages between CJ and Noel that have caught my attention.

  • he said I miss being inside of you.
  • she said I know but I don’t want you being obvious.
  • he said she’s pregnant and sleep it’s 1:31, she’s not thinking about me.
  • Then she said I can’t wait for my “inconvenient word” the grip on it.
  • She doesn’t expect me to cheat because I’m such a good guy.

After that incident, Royalty deactivated her Instagram account. She’s not active on it right now. And I think the reason for that she’s the first one who found out about this whole situation, and now she’s developing her own YouTube channel.

I’ve promised earlier that I will be presenting some interesting details about Neal. Well! Just ger ready.

To get this out of the way, her full name is Noel Bianca and this is isn’t her first time messing around with a man in a relationship. She has been with two other celebrity men and they are both athletes.

One of them is an NBA player by the name of Zach Randolph, he’s married. And according to Noel, they were messing around together for years and during the time, Noel revealed that he uses to put his hands on her continuously. And I guess after four years she was tired of that sexual harassment, so she decided to sell him to the whole world.


But that wasn’t the end of the story, Zack Randolph didn’t only put his hands on her body; he also exposed her to the STD according to Noel.

The second athlete is Shabazz Muhammad, an NBA player as well. He wasn’t married at that time, but he was in a relationship with a girl. We don’t know any further details about her, because Shabazz Muhammad tries to keep his personal and love life private like most celebrities. The only thing we know that he was engaged.


According to Noel, Shabazz Muhammad knew her from where he was staying, he slept with her and left her stranded in Portland.

After Shabazz bounces, The IG model Noel contacted his girlfriend to snitch on Shabazz for flying her out, she shares sex details and other stuff. Somehow Noel believes the alleged girlfriend would have sympathy for her and would help her with money to get a flight back home.

After all this, you’re probably wondering! How to this is all started between Noel Bianca and the couples royalty & CJ Soo Cool.

These are only my assumptions, and waiting for Bianca to explain her side of the story, Noel probably went to Royalty Johnson first and leaked all the messages. And when she released that Royalty wasn’t going anywhere because she’s pregnant with twins, she decided to leak the whole story to the media, hoping to cause even more of a big controversy.

Again this only me guesting. hopefully, Noel explains her version of the story and proves that I am wrong because the situation it’s becoming more complicated then I taught it will be.