Things you don’t know about Catherine Paiz and Royalty Johnson! In this article, we’re going to reveal some piece of information that you probably don’t know about them, so let’s began with no particular order.
Catherine Paiz
Catherine Paiz was porn was on August 24th, 1990 in Montreal Canada, making her 29 years today. In her early childhood, Catherine and her family did move to Miami Florida…and as you might notice In the meantime that decision was definitely a big step into her career considering the huge success that she has right now. She’s has a younger brother and a sister and they both have Instagram accounts. That being said her bother has also a YouTube channel with 2.2 million subs.
Catherine Paiz was always passion by working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle…and of course, that was…before the ACE Family where she became a fitness model for Azealia Swimwear and even decided to launch her Instagram back in 2011, which was her first appearance on social media.
Through promoting her brand deals she started to get recognized where she got featured on two movies called Lilins Brood and “Monday Nights at 7”.
Being a mother of two children and her love towards them is just incredible but what you don’t know probably…is that Catherine visited a psychic when she was younger who told her that she would meet the love of her life and have two children. Now guys you probably know what we’re talking about here…Austin McBroom, Elle, and Alia.
One of Catherine’s best friends is Chantel Jeffries, which you may already know but what you may not know is how they meet. When they both move to LA they were both mutual friends but introduced each other at a party towards the end of the night. Ever since they have been friends for a really long time and still (strong friend friendship). Now a lot of people seem to be mistaking them for being the same person. It’s almost as if they were twins right- as you can see in the Instagram post below…
Catherine who is majored in communications graduated with a 3.9 GPA which is really high. Now, on the other hand, Catherine speaks English, Spanish and French (trilingual). Spanish and English from her parents — French from Montreal! So that tells you who she has done it.
Her net worth is estimated at $750 Thousand…
Now this is an interesting thing to mention before moving to Royalty…she doesn’t want us to know her first name which is Dolores and not Catherine as most people may think too- So Paiz has a really big fans base that supports her (her number of social media followers) – it’s was a good thing from her to keep her personal life away from the spotlight and manage to keep her fans happy at the meantime.
Royalty Johnson
Royalty Johnson was born on February 19, 1987, in Las Vegas, Nevada where she spent the majority of her life…making her just 32 years now. She has only a younger sister named Thelma Young. A lot of people know her because of her relationship with the famous YouTuber/hip-hop rapper CJ So Cool. they’ve met each other back in 2013, and at that time Royalty wasn’t famous yet.
Now this something you probably don’t know but Johnson’s partner CJ So Cool had a daughter named Camari from his EX baby mam Nikee Lewis CJ and he pays child support for her, to this point everything sounds normal right but in 2017, Camari’s mother had accused CJ of neglecting his fatherly duties towards his daughter and a lot of CJ’s fans blamed Johnson for this calling her a gold digger.

Royalty Johnson kicked off her Instagram journey on December 6, 2016, when she posted her first-ever picture… she raised up like a skyrocket in terms of popularity – and that because she regularly appeared in her boyfriend’s YouTube videos, as well as her high fashion sense and her pictures started to go viral. Now guess what happens when you go viral —- you gain a lot of fans and followers.
Johnson did appear in one of CJ’s most popular YouTube videos titled I Pushed Your Kid April Fools prank and the video has gone viral and it was viewed by over 17 million people! Wow, this is amazing right. IT’s the Royalty magical touch. Huh!
Let me say this straight forward…due to her Instagram of YouTube activities…her net worth is estimated to be $3 million and she earns annually over $200 thousand as salary annually.
Now, I think most of you knowing that — she had three children and their names are Leonidas, Karnation, and Jaliyah from her Partner CJ SO Cool.
Something to mention here…her real name actually is Charlene Young and not Royalty Jhonson as many of you may think.
Catherine Paiz & Royalty managed to accomplished quite a lot and I’m sure their future holds a lot more potential for them. So if you’re a fan of both them or just one of them let us know what do you love about them down in the comments.