The ACE Family Are Expecting A Baby N° 3!! The Missing Puzzle Piece

We are all pretty surprise on the bomb that Catherine Paiz and Austin McBroom just dropped – when they’ve both posted the following posts on their Instagram accounts…

So if you don’t know…Catherine and Austin McBroom are pregnant with a son. Yes, you’ve heard that right a son. A third child is on the way.

It looks like Catherine Paiz just found out about the whole situation…it not even as she announced it! this girl has a belly a big belly it’s really amazing.

I just want to clarify something, this article isn’t for taking down the Ace family…it’s all from a good heart and this by far the craziest thing that they’ve ever done or let’s say they pulled off.

I am not sure if you’ve noticed that but most celebrities love to hide their pregnancies for months or in Kylie Jenner’s case until the baby comes out but the question here to be asked why the ACE Family did reveal the good news too early?

Catherine Paiz revealed she’s pregnant with baby No. 3 by posting a photo of her with a huge bump, and just after that, she revealed how she kept it a secret regardless of posting photos of herself on Instagram.

Catherine Paiz Instagram Account: Story Pic

Catherine wrote in an Instagram story that: “It was so hard to hide my bump on this day… I was sucking in on every shot not to mention I was about to throw up and felt nauseous the whole time”.

If analyze her appearance in Austin McBroom’s “Giddy UP” music video and other photos, which have been posted on November 17, there was actually no trace of a bump, but in her Instagram Story’s pic, it was obvious that she’s expecting a new baby.

The Ace Family revealed the exciting news one day after New Year’s, with Catherine writing, “I wanted to keep you to myself for as long as I could and now after all these months of privately enjoying some time with our family, I am filled with so much joy to share you with the world. You were the missing puzzle piece, I can’t wait to meet you son 💙” Austin did write a message as well in her Instagram post, saying, “Dear son, you have an amazing strong beautiful mother, a father who will protect you forever and two beautiful loving princesses waiting for you.”

If Catherine was already showing in November, we can probably assume she was at least three or four months along then, which would make her 5 or so months along by the time they announced it. And it could definitely be even further along – again these are assumptions, we don’t know precisely.

Now All that I want to say at the end of this article… big congratulations to Catherine Paiz and Austin on their good news! And let me know guys if you are happy as well with the good news? Do you see that having a third baby is a good thing for the ace family as well as revealing the news too early? …anyway, let me know guys how do you feel about all of that?

I’m pretty sure that the ACE will be sharing plenty of footage on their YouTube channel and other social media platform as well, and we’ll well continue to update you guys…